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Advanced Calisthenics: Master the Muscle-Up & Handstand Push-Up

Updated: May 15, 2024

The Muscle-up and the Handstand Push-up: demonstrations of pure upper body power and bodyweight control. They demand a level of strength and skill that most gym workouts simply don't offer.

If you’re still working on the mastering the basics, you can check out our previous post; The Big 5 for Bodyweight Strength | Mastering Beginner & Intermediate Bodyweight Skills. If you've been putting in the work with your pull-ups, chin-ups, and dips, you're ready to tackle these impressive feats!

Muscle Up Mastery

Got your pull-ups, chin-ups, and dips down? Then you're ready to take flight. Explosive power is the name of the game. Master Power Pull-Ups to unlock the strength you need to soar above the bar.

Learn the trajectory and nail the false grip (if your wrists can handle it) for a smooth transition. You can also check out our False Grip tutorial in the Evolution Library.

Ready to reach the next level? Band-assisted progressions will get you there. Master these – and much more – with the Evolution Fitness System, a comprehensive program designed to help you achieve your calisthenics goals. Launching this summer, the system breaks down complex skills into manageable progressions, provides video instruction to ensure proper form, and fosters a supportive community to keep you motivated. Whether you're looking to conquer the muscle-up, master the handstand push-up, or even learn how to flow like water, the Evolution Fitness System has everything you need to take your calisthenics practice to the next level.

Handstand Push Up Mastery

The Pike Push-Up isn't just a stepping stone; it's the foundation for incredible shoulder strength and the key to unlocking the handstand push-up. Stack those elbows over your wrists from day one! Good habits now translate to a solid HSPU later.

Before you worry about balance, master these strength progressions: back-to-wall HSPUs, chest-to-wall HSPUs. Practice freestanding handstands separately. Remember, hand balancing skill practice in isolation of your strength work is KEY! Once you’re progressing with strength and balance separately, you can combine them using HSPU negatives to grow stronger and develop the technical skill you need for the real deal.

Parallettes or Open Palm for Pikes & HSPUs?

Wondering if you should use Parallettes or Open Palm? There's no right or wrong here. Find what works, stick with it until you're strong, then challenge yourself with the other method! If you want to check out my favourite pair of parallettes, try Movement Made's Fat Bars!

Bar or Rings for Muscle Ups?

Bar Muscle Ups and Ring Muscle Ups are quite different skills. Many find one significantly easier than other. I spent my early practice primarily on the rings, as I found them easy to travel around with and bars were not always available. Bar Muscle Ups tend to build more power and raw strength, but not as much mobility or muscle mass. Ring MUPs are the opposite, building more muscle mass and mobility, but not as much raw strength & power. Try Ring Muscle Ups for yourself and see the difference! You can also grab a pair of sustainably-produced, travel-friendly rings from Movement Made

Be patient and enjoy the journey. These are elite skills! Progress takes time, so don't get discouraged – have fun with the journey.

Ready to push your calisthenics to the next level? Move freely, grow stronger, then master primal skills with our thriving tribe. Learn how to do all this using nothing but your bodyweight with the Evolution Fitness System. I've been working hard to recreate our EV/CO programs into a cohesive, linear system that can take anyone from basics movements for joint-health and body awareness to total bodyweight mastery. Compound 3, our upcoming advanced calisthenics mastery program, features Handstand Push Up & Muscle Up mastery as the crown jewels. The system launches this summer, so keep your eyes peeled for updates!

Thanks for watching & reading! With gratitude,

Jared F.

Creator & Head Coach | EV/CO

Evolve with me on social:

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